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Tour CoSmique - Circo Fortuna - Corde e Teli - Foto Anna Spörri - DSC_0388-2 (1).jpeg

free workout


You will have the opportunity to train freely in the gym spaces.

There will be no lessons but the circus material will be at your disposal.

NB One of our collaborators will always be present for information and to ensure the safety and correct management of the material

Per ragazzi a partire dai 9 anni (in grado di allenarsi in autonomia)
giovani e adulti

SE Bioggio gym, via S. Maurizio 4

Hours: from 10.00 to 13.00

Students participating in the courses of the Circo Fortuna

1 meeting of 3 hours Fr. 15.-

Package of 5 meetings Fr. 50.-

Students who DON'T  participate in the courses of Circo Fortuna

1 meeting of 3 hours Fr. 25.-

Package of 5 meetings Fr. 100.-

The dates of the 2022-2023 season:

Sunday 23 October

Sunday 27th November

Sunday 18  December 2022


Sunday 29th January

Sunday 26 March

Sunday 30th April

Sunday 28 May 2023



Provisions 2022 - 2023
Logo italiano G+S.jpg

© 2022 Circo Fortuna

Tel: 091 606 18 19/078 87 48 087

Coordinate bancarie:

Banca Raiffeisen Svizzera, San Gallo, Beneficiario:  Associazione Circo Fortuna

IBAN: CH63 8080 8009 1948 1006 9


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